Building Anytype on Linux
I had difficulty building this, since I'm using Void Linux musl edition.
I will follow the release build commands from the GitHub Actions than the build guide now. I'm only taking the steps relevant to Linux.
Copying the GitHub Actions
From build.yml
workflow (and the Electron build action's parameters, default configuration and script)
- Setup distutils:
sudo -H pip install setuptools
- Install Webpack CLI:
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli --legacy-peer-deps
- Install Node.JS, NPM and Yarn (Yarn not needed since we have NPM) from Actions
- Update locale:
npm run update:locale
- Commented Out - Update Deps:
npm run build:deps
- Install anytype-heart:
./ ubuntu-latest amd
- Electron Build action
- Installing Dependencies using NPM:
npm install
- Running the build script:
npm run build --if-present
- Building and releasing the Electron app:
npx --no-install electron-builder --linux --publish always --arm64 --x64
- To not release, skip
--publish always
- If not interested in ARM builds, skip
- To not release, skip
- Installing Dependencies using NPM:
- The releases (Snap, DEB, RPM, AppImage, TAR.GZ) will be in "dist" folder.
Test Result
This did not work in the last step, because I did not have "" in musl, as libxcrypt
is not packaged.